Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Green is the new black

In this ADHD world of multi-tasking, multi-talking, multi-functional devices, it's encouraging when some ONE thing comes along to alter the way you see the world. That happened for me last May when I was involved in the birthing of the first NWA Green Expo with the 'green team' at the Bentonville Chamber.

Super hero Kyle Howell at Walmart and mother superior Nancy Desler at the Chamber moved mountains to make it happen. And I was happy tagging along with a keyboard -- as their scribe and official publication.

I learned more in that experience about the possibilities, the necessities, and the innovations of sustainable progress than I could have imagined. And I've been chomping at the bit since then to launch a green magazine for NWA.

This year Biz2Biz is again a proud sponsor of the Expo and we have something absolutely too cool for words up our sleeve. We're working with Ozark Film and Video to bring you the Welcome Wall. Don't worry we'll spill the (green) beans later.

The official publication for the Green Expo is now NWA GreenZine, an e-zine devoted to all things green and sustainable in Northwest Arkansas. Yes, yes, we are excited, proud, and deliberate. And we're doing it (also) for you. All we ask is that you read it, share it, advertise in it, and tell us what green-news is important to you.

We're on on this planet together. Let's leave it in better shape than we found it.

1 comment:

  1. Janie, excellent!

    My best to you,

    Lori Lake
